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Mizan Blog


What Is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?
It’s estimated that about 75% of all women will knowledge at least one yeastinfection in their period. And many will experience quite a few more than that. In fact, for some women, yeast infections are a chronic, recurring problem that seems like it will not ever go away.
Vaginal yeast infections are produced by overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albinos. This fungus occurs in the vagina naturally, and usually doesn’t cause any problems. But, when the fungus overgrows for any reason, the result is a yeast infection.
What can cause Candida albicans to grow out of control? Unfortunately, lots of things. Anything that can vex the vaginal area can trigger an overgrowth of yeast.
Using scented feminine hygiene products is one of the common causes of vaginalirritation. These products tend to be very popular. But, while they might be able to control feminine odor problems (which many that use these products don’t really have), they also can create an environment in which yeast can succeed.

Taking birth controller pills and other prescription suppositories can also do it. Even the foods you eat can trigger an overgrowth of yeast and generate a yeast infection.

Fight Yeast Infections

What Is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?
It’s estimated that about 75% of all women will knowledge at least one yeastinfection in their period. And many will experience quite a few more than that. In fact, for some women, yeast infections are a chronic, recurring problem that seems like it will not ever go away.
Vaginal yeast infections are produced by overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albinos. This fungus occurs in the vagina naturally, and usually doesn’t cause any problems. But, when the fungus overgrows for any reason, the result is a yeast infection.
What can cause Candida albicans to grow out of control? Unfortunately, lots of things. Anything that can vex the vaginal area can trigger an overgrowth of yeast.
Using scented feminine hygiene products is one of the common causes of vaginalirritation. These products tend to be very popular. But, while they might be able to control feminine odor problems (which many that use these products don’t really have), they also can create an environment in which yeast can succeed.

Taking birth controller pills and other prescription suppositories can also do it. Even the foods you eat can trigger an overgrowth of yeast and generate a yeast infection.

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